Macular Degeneration


Dr. Rundquist

Low Vision Services

Low Vision Devices

Visual Impairments

Insurances / Low Vision Links


Low Vision Services

magnifierThe Western New York Center for the Visually Impaired is dedicated to assisting individuals who are visually impaired so that they may function independently in all of their environments. Whether that environment is at home, school, place of employment, shopping centers, restaurants, or anywhere else, we provide (orientation and mobility) training for safe travel, magnification devices, adaptive equipment for home and meal management responsibilities, practical tools and proven techniques to help our patients carry out their daily activities.

Low Vision Rehabilitation Services

  • Low Vision Evaluation - A low vision evaluation is performed by a NYS Certified Low Vision Doctor of Optometry. During an evaluation the patient’s goals are determined (reading, writing, watching TV, etc.) and through comprehensive testing low vision devices are prescribed and other vision rehabilitative services are recommended as needed.
  • Vision Rehabilitation - Vision rehabilitation may include in-office or in-home training by a vision teacher or occupational therapist with low vision devices or adaptive equipment to improve activities of daily living and to promote safety and independence. This may include instruction in the following areas
    • Reading and writing
    • Operation of household appliances
    • Meal preparation
    • Medication organization
    • Recreation and leisure
    • Braille
    • Use of closed-circuit television readers (CCTVs)
    • Computer skills
  • Orientation and Mobility - Orientation and mobility training (O & M) helps a blind or visually impaired individual know where he is in space and where he wants to go (orientation). It also helps him be able to carry out a plan to get there (mobility). This may include instruction in the following areas:
    • the use of sighted guide technique
    • the use of a white cane for independent travel
    • familiarization to specific areas or routes in the individual’s environment
    • the use of available public transportation.
  • Contract Agency for the New York State Commission for the Blind and Visually Handicapped. The mission of the New York State Commission for the Blind and Visually Handicapped is to enhance employability, to maximize independence, and to assist in the development of the capacities and strengths of people who are legally blind.

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